Lok Swasthya SEWA Trust

Lok Swasthya SEWA Trust was registered in 2005 as a charitable trust with 6 permanent trustees and five rotating ones, all women, and several themselves informal workers from different trades, communities and geographies. In addition to our grassroots action, we bring the issues of women workers directly to the attention of policy-makers and legislators at district, state, regional, national and global levels, and in their own voices.

To achieve our vision of empowering women, we understand and take up women’s felt needs and demands from the grassroots level.
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  • To provide all round primary health care, including but not limited to preventive and life-saving health information along with referral health services, to women workers and their families.
  • To provide child care, child health and overall child development services to the children of poor working women, especially to children under six years of age.
  • To assist women workers and their families to get insurance coverage to reduce risks and vulnerability faced by them.
  • To provide nutrition and any other health related services to women workers and their families, during times of natural or man made calamities or/and war like situations.
  • To study occupational health problems of women workers and develop systems to reduce harmful exposure.
  • To provide opportunities for our members to be able to run dispensaries and hospitals.
  • To promote and spread rational therapeutics through education and training.
  • To undertake epidemiological studies for our health activities.
  • To provide monetary assistance to students either by way of scholarships or grants, for studying in any educational institutions, not limited to India; as the trustees deem fit.
  • To advance any objects of general public utility that will not involve any activity for profit.